On the passing of Uncle Kathy

Another compassionate soul has moved on. Gentle and humble, Uncle Kathy was also a tenacious revolutionary who gave his entire life to the liberation struggle and beyond.

We felt his palpable sadness and pain, expressed at the passing of Madiba but also in his words and tone reflected the setbacks we are experiencing in our struggle for a just and caring society. Indeed, right to the very end, he maintained his revolutionary spirit by “calling out” those that he believed are compromising our quest for a social justice aspiring society.

We are grateful to have felt his warmth, wisdom and unflinching work for the down trodden. His commitment to the just cause of equal rights in our lifetime included his deep sensibility of knowing that this cause when accomplished will not just mean changing the rules of engagement amongst all of us but a CHANGE OF HEART on how we accept each other through these rules. An icon of his time and beyond, he gave us every fibre of his being, courageously and uncompromisingly.

Joburg Cricket Club is honoured to have had this Father of our freedom struggle present at the launch of Hope Village in 2010 and sends heartfelt condolences to Barbara Hogan, his family members and the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation.

May his soul rest in peace.